Ecopiaand Access and Benefit-Sharing with the communities in tourism
Ecopia Tours implements the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing in all its production and services providing aspects. In the tourism areas, as we are working in the protected areas as well as biosphere reserves of Ethiopia we implement our ABS instruments in investment and in direct finaice sharing. Do you need to learn about ecopia ABS concept, please send email at info(at)
Ethiopian Biodiversity Institution has highlighted that Ethiopia possesses an estimated number of 6,000 species of higher plants of which 10% are endemic. The country has 284 species of wild mammals and 861 species of birds. Data on other wild animals are scanty; and the number of reptile, fish, amphibian and arthropod species identified so far are 201, 200, 63 and 1,225, respectively. Of these faunal resources, 29 wild mammal, 18 bird, 10 reptile, 40 fish, 25 amphibian and seven arthropod species are endemic to Ethiopia.